Wikipedia explains....

The Kama Sutra (Sanskrit: कामसूत्र), (alternative spellings: Kamasutram or simply Kamasutra), is an ancient Indian text widely considered to be the standard work on love in Sanskrit literature written by the Indian intellectual Vatsyayana. A portion of the work deals with human sexual behavior.[1]

The Kama Sutra is mostly notable of a group of texts known generically as Kama Shastra (Sanskrit: Kāma Śhāstra).[2] Traditionally, the first transmission of Kama Shastra or "Discipline of Kama" is attributed to Nandi the sacred bull, Shiva's doorkeeper, who was moved to sacred utterance by overhearing the lovemaking of the god and his wife Parvati and later recorded his utterances for the benefit of mankind.[3]

Historian John Keay says that the Kama Sutra is a compendium that was collected into its present form in the second century CE.[4]

Regarding how the composition became known to the Western world, Burton's translation says the following in its introduction:

It may be interesting to some persons to learn how it came about that Vatsyayana was first brought to light and translated into the English language. It happened thus.

While translating with the pundits the `Anunga Runga, or the stage of love', reference was frequently found to be made to one Vatsya. The sage Vatsya was of this opinion, or of that opinion. The sage Vatsya said this, and so on. Naturally questions were asked who the sage was, and the pundits replied that Vatsya was the author of the standard work on love in Sanskrit literature, that no Sanscrit library was complete without his work, and that it was most difficult now to obtain in its entire state.

The copy of the manuscript obtained in Bombay was defective, and so the pundits wrote to Benares, Calcutta and Jaipur for copies of the manuscript from Sanskrit libraries in those places. Copies having been obtained, they were then compared with each other, and with the aid of a Commentary called `Jayamangla' a revised copy of the entire manuscript was prepared, and from this copy the English translation was made. The following is the certificate of the chief pundit:

Quotes on Kama Sutra

An ingenious person should multiply the kinds of congress after the fashion of the different kinds of beasts and of birds. For these different kinds of congress, performed according to the usage of each country, and the liking of each individual, generate love, friendship, and respect in the hearts of women. (Kamasutra, 1883)

.. those things which increase passion should be done first, and those which are only for amusement or variety should be done afterwards. (Kamasutra, 1883)

Though a woman is reserved, and keeps her feelings concealed; when she gets on the top of a man, she shows all her love and desire. A man should gather from the actions of the woman of what disposition she is, and in what way she likes to be enjoyed. (Kamasutra, 1883)

Such passionate actions and amorous gesticulations or movements, which arise on the spur of the moment, and during sexual intercourse, cannot be defined, and are as irregular as dreams. A horse having once attained the fifth degree of motion goes on with blind speed, regardless of pits, ditches, and posts in his way; and in the same manner a loving pair become blind with passion in the heat of congress, and go on with great impetuosity, paying not the least regard to excess. For this reason one who is well acquainted with the science of love (Kamasutra), and knowing his own strength, as also the tenderness, impetuosity, and strength of the young women, should act accordingly. The various modes of enjoyment are not for all times or for all persons, but they should only be used at the proper time. and in the proper countries and places. (Kamasutra, 1883)

Kama Sutra in Chinese

Kamasutra [US] [kɑməˈsutrə] [UK] [kɑːməˈsuːtrə]


Web translations

印度的《爱经》无疑是关于性爱的经典著作,已经译成多种文字,向全世界推销,而且 图文并茂,通俗易懂。许多印度人都因为自己的祖先在性爱方面的智慧而感到骄傲。 ...

性爱源流 《欲经》(kamasutra)大约出现在公元3世纪下半叶,它的作者一般认为是犊子 氏(Mallanaga Vatsyayana,音译筏蹉衍那)。这是一部关于性爱生活艺术的典籍, ...

性典 Kamasutra
大约在房中书产生的汉魏时代或稍后,印度和罗马也出现了性质相似的性爱手册,其中最有 影响者首推流传至今的《性典》(Kamasutra)和《爱经》(Ars Amatoria)。 ...

一方面印度教宣扬禁欲,另一方面印度却有著名的《性经》(Kamasutra),还把性爱雕塑 公开刻在了寺庙的墙上。有学者认为,这些性爱雕塑是为了对那些从小长在寺庙里的 ...